Tuesday, 20 July 2010

It starts to look like a real building. July 2010

The new roof starts to take shape
As summer continued so did rapid progress. By the third week of July the supporting structure for the roof was complete. Although the original barn had an effective roof the whole structure had to be replaced as many of the supporting beams were rotten. Building a roof in the Alps is no simple task, the weight of snow is considerable so strength is vital. Each roof also has to be equipped with "snow catchers" which are designed to prevent large slabs of snow sliding off the roof when the temperature rises.To improve light inside the building the design incorporated velux roof windows and sun tubes which both required accommodation in the roof without impacting the integrity.

Friday, 2 July 2010

Moving up. July 2010

July arrived and most people were thinking of their summer holidays, the builders however were making the most of good weather and moving up the building almost to roof level. The main walls were completed and signs of interior infrastructure appeared. The vision of the Architect came into reality for the first time as rooms started to be recognisable.
The balcony framework is slotted into place

Almost at roof level the work continues with an alarming lack of safety equipment