Most of our work in the past week has focused on curtains and lighting. Elaine is a bit of an expert at sewing so many trips to Laurent Tissus in Albertville to select from thousands of choices for material and poles have been in order. The work to measure, sew, hang, hem is hugely time consuming but rewarding as the final product is much better than shop bought.
I have been doing the simple, straightforward but high volume job of installing light fittings. So far by count I have completed 20 from around 35 lights so we are on the homeward straight. The biggest challenge has been a large rustic chandelier in the living area weighing close to sixteen kilos and needing to be hung from a ceiling close to 4m high. A true test of balance and strength on a single step ladder when Elaine was getting artwork framed in Annecy.
Finally an interesting addition was made to the wall above the fireplace in the Lounge area of Apartment A - Bucky a large Deer trophy. Those opposed to hunting need not worry no animals were hurt in the process as Bucky is made entirely from cardboard. The construction took a while but we think you will agree he is rather handsome.