Friday, 14 August 2015

Doesn't it get boring?

This is one of the questions we get asked when we tell people that we ski on average 5 days a week for weeks (and weeks) in the Three valleys area. The answer is of course a resounding "no, not at all"

Every day is different in the snow, the weather guarantees that but we are also spoilt of course by the sheer size of the Three Valleys area. Yes there are runs that we do almost every day, we have our favourite home run down to Meribel Village timed of course to allow time for a hot chocolate from the bakery before the bus arrives. Our home run aside we aim to ski in different areas each day depending on the conditions and weather.

In the Three valleys the other weapon we have against boredom is that every year something is new, a new lift, a new run or a slightly changed run. Improved facilities, better signage, new après activities. It keeps life interesting. So what is in store for Season 2015/16? Well the award for the "most changed area" looks like going to Mottaret where the area directly above the centre is undergoing a huge transformation. Lifts will be removed, a new lift will be installed and runs changed which will hopefully make the area safer and more enjoyable for beginners. We will no doubt miss the lifts which are being removed, it's always sad to see an old faithful like the Table Vert Chair disappear but the changes to the runs look good, take a look for yourself:

Video showing changes