Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Spreading the word. March 2011

As the builders complete the final interior finishes it's time to start thinking about sharing Chalet Vache Bleue with the rest of the world. Deciding on the name is a lengthy process, we felt the name should be unique, perhaps related to Australia, not too long, easy to translate, it became quite a task.
Finally Chalet Vache Bleue was chosen, by naming the Chalet after Blue Cow Ski Resort in Australia a little piece of the antipodeans arrives in Meribel. In recent years possibly helped by favourable exchange rates more Australians are discovering Meribel so at least there will be some who understand the name. The French meanwhile are interested to hear about the Cows which are coloured Blue and live in Australia!

Now there is a name the development of the Web Site can commence. It is not easy condensing so much information into a web format, numerous draft pages are written before we can even get to layout stage. Finally by the end of March the first draft of the Web Site is produced and yet another milestone reached.